Friday, May 18, 2012

Fun with pitas

One thing about cooking for one-- you're probably going to use your perishable ingredients over and over and over and over and over in a short period of time. Sometimes that's awesome (like the time I splurged on some scallops), but mostly it's boring.

So you find different ways to combine or prepare your ingredients.

Bread tends to go moldy on me long before I'm done with it. I freeze it, refrigerate it, swear on my life I'll eat it all.

I never do.

This time, however, I've got two pitas left in the bag I bought last week, and I think I can do it. Here's what I made with it today:

Pita pizza! Super easy to do-- just lay a pita flat (you may have to do some squishing). Cover it with a quarter cup of feta cheese. Place a layer of spinach leaves on top of the feta, then four or five halved grape tomatoes, another quarter cup of feta, a sprinkle of basil (I had to use dried, but next time I will get some fresh leaves), and salt and pepper to taste.

Put it under the broiler in the oven for about 7-8 minutes (I left it in for ten and the edges were pretty burnt). Top with fresh green onions. DONE.

I was just using ingredients I had on-hand-- like I said, next time I'm going to make sure I have fresh basil, and black olives (oooh, calamatas!) would have been sort of amazing.

Oh, and I finally downloaded Instagram.